Caliloko is a premium activewear brand which has uniquely combined compression and shapewear technology, along with UV protection, antimicrobial properties and odor control, to create a functionally fashionable line for both male and female fitness enthusiasts, competitive trainers, and professional athletes.

moxie collaborated with Caliloko for over a year prior to its launch to: design and develop the Caliloko logo, to establish the look and feel of the brand, to produce client facing collateral and exhibit material, and to design and develop its robust ecommerce website.

Post-launch, moxie worked with Caliloko on an ongoing basis on various marketing initiatives, including: identifying sponsorship and trade show opportunities, fostering strategic partnerships, creating visually appealing displays and promotional items, designing and creating copy for email marketing, and programming software for event related data capture and consumer intelligence.

All creative efforts proved pivotal in coordinating and regulating the rebranding process, including collaborating with the company’s regional HQs around the world, along with outside production facilities. These roles were instrumental in both the generation of content, and the implementation of the company’s newfound visual identity guidelines.